• Brian Smith

    Station Director

    I've worked for the station in different capacities since 1999. I love anything to do with the outdoors, music and it's all better when my family is involved. I'm married to my amazing wife, Heather and we have two awesome kids, Ashlyn and Brayden. We also have a furry friend named Bingo.
    Some of my Favorite things....
    Movie: Miracle On Ice (USA Hockey)
    TV Show: This Is Us
    Sport: Hockey
    Food: Pizza
    Location: Northern Michigan

  • Ellyn Davey

    Donor Care

    When I was young, I can remember hearing this well deserved phrase from my mother more than once, "Someday God may use that mouth for good, but right now you need to shut it!" The amazing thing is, my mom was right! After studying Speech in college, I graduated not knowing for sure where that degree would take me but God had already prepared the path to use my "mouth" for something good. He did it and I give Him the glory!
    I feel so blessed to have been a part of this radio ministry from almost the very beginning.
    My life outside of the radio station is busy enough as a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and worship leader with my local church. I enjoy laughing and having a good chat with just about anybody, biking with friends, and a good cup of coffee...everyday!

  • Brett Hager

    Program Director

    Sometimes, getting to know someone new can be a really scary and uncomfortable experience… Unless you're an extrovert like me and love every part of it!
    Even though I absolutely love getting to meet new people, my favorite thing is being able to go deeper and learn more about what truly lights them up!
    BUT… The hardest part is finding the right things to ask them. Questions to really pull an amazing response out of them! So, with that in mind as you and I get to know each other a little more, here are my answers to the surface level questions…

    Who is your hero?
    Bob Goff. If you don’t follow him… You should!

    What is your biggest fear?

    What are your hobbies?
    Reading, working out, and cooking!

    Favorite show?
    The Office… (you either love it or you hate it)

  • Justin McBurney

    Marketing and Social Media

  • Lori McNaughton

    Finance & Business Director

    God had a funny and amazing way of directing my life to where I am now. I was fresh out of college, sending out resumes and interviewing for jobs in my chosen field at the same time as a new little Christian Radio Station was just starting to broadcast in Port Huron. While I was waiting for God to open a door for me I started volunteering at that new station. Little did I know, I had already walked through the door to His plan for me. I've watched God grow this ministry to two stations. I've seen God use music and programs to change and save the lives, to restore families and encourage people in this community and
    beyond. I love my job, my co-workers and serving my hometown and local communities. In my off work time, I sing with 5 of the best women I know in a group called "Rejoice" and I love to travel. I've visited
    all 50 states and over 40 countries world wide.

  • Emma Falls

    Promotions and Volunteer Coordinator

    I went to college to study communication and psychology in an effort to understand people better. As my faith has grown, my desire to communicate well and listen well has also grown. Naturally, working at this radio station has been just the right fit for those passions. I love getting to connect with listeners and share what God's doing in and through me, while also getting to use so many different avenues of communication daily.
    In my free time, you can probably find me involved in any ministry I can be a part of. I love all kinds of outreach and am always up for sharing the Gospel with someone I meet on the sidewalk. I also spend a lot of time with my family and traveling to visit friends I've made all over the US.
    I love working at a place where the things I'm passionate about also get to be part of my daily job.

  • Ben Howison

    Production Assistant


